A ‘Red Carpet’ Premier of The Hobbit in Joburg

12 12 2012

So as a part of trying to be a part of new experiences in Joburg, I have been religiously participating in all the competitions and promotions hoping to win something! Considering I have never ever won any luck-based competition in my life, I didn’t have much hope. But what do you know? I won two tickets for a paid premier of “The Hobbit” to be screened in Montecasino.

M (code word for my husband, who doesn’t want his identity revealed on my blog!) and I had been super excited about it since last week itself. The event promised us a Red Carpet, interviews and of course Popcorn! We dressed up in our best “celebrity-clothes” and researched the movie to no end. We definitely didn’t want to sound stupid when they interviewed us on national TV!

Reality check! No red carpet, no fancy photographers and no feeling of being a part of something special. Even the popcorn was just placed on our seats and was pretty stale by the time we got to it. But then the movie started… Oh, and magical it was!!! The movie made up for everything the event was not.. it was larger than life, it made you jump and squeal with excitement and it left us all wanting more!


At the entrance, what promised to a red carpet, was actually a long queue of people trying to get in with one sole cameraman who seemed to not be able to figure out how to make his equipment work 😛

I honestly cannot wait for the sequel. But this time, it will be on a weekend so I don’t have to wake up early for a long day at work while I am still half asleep and dreaming about the movie!



One response

13 12 2012

I am really looking forward to it. As soon as id finished reading LOTR i got myself Hobbit. Quite liked it then, goooooo JRR Tolkein!

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